Can You Feel
the Energy!?

What Is Camp ENERGY?

Camp ENERGY is an overnight camp in Millville, Pennsylvania, that gives youth the knowledge and motivation they need to take control of their own health & happiness. While at camp, we climb the massive rock wall, conquer the zip-line, cook meals together, swim, play volleyball, build campfires, and so much more. Click here if you're interested in joining us this summer as a camper!


Jerry Foley

Director | Physical Activity Captain
Jerry co-founded Camp ENERGY over 10 years ago. He is the Senior Director of Competitive Swimming for the YMCA of the Triangle Area, NC, with over thirty years’ experience as a successful “teacher-coach”. He leads the planning for physical activities at camp and wakes up bright and early to instruct water aerobics at 7:30am! He has a Masters in Physical Education & Health and loves long bike rides.

Rachel (Bastian) McGarrigle

Director | Lead Energizer
Rachel co-founded Camp ENERGY over 10 years ago. She leads the planning for camp behind-the-scenes through curriculum development, helps campers throughout the application process, and makes sure the toilet paper rolls are full during the week of camp. She holds a Masters in Education and works in research education at UPenn. Rachel loves to bike to work in Philadelphia and go on weekend hikes.

Jennifer Franceschelli

Medical Director | Wizard of Wellbeing
Dr. Jenn has been the Camp ENERGY doctor for the past 8 years. She works to ensure that all of the campers and staff stay well and enjoy their time while at camp. She is a practicing physician who specializes in nutrition and weight management in both kids and adults. She loves to be outside with her kids and loves running.

Nicole Polanichka

Curriculum Director | Captain of Costumes
Nicole spent lots of time in school to earn a PhD and a day job in Psychology at UPMC Pinnacle Health working with youth and families, which she loves. What she loves even more is fencing (she competes all across the country) and dressing up in costumes as often as possible (including at camp). At Camp her official duties include Curriculum Director, providing 24/7 emotional and behavioral health support in the Med Shed, running the Treehouse chats, and getting as goofy as possible during the Variety Show. She’s also been known to climb up the rope ladder using only her hands and swim with a full mermaid tail.

Kati Lyons

Programming Lead | Purveyor of Decor
Kati was introduced to camp energy by jerry, her former collegiate swim coach. She wears many hats including off-season inventory management, mender of bumps & bruises and purveyor of thematic decor. When not at camp she works as a physician assistant at geisinger, but tries to spend as much time as possible adventuring outdoors.

Jess German

Director of Operations | Festivity Organizer
Jess joined Camp ENERGY in 2013 as a camp counselor. She helps plan for camp behind-the-scenes, manages the counselor recruitment and admissions process, and makes sure everyone is feeling ENERGIZED during the week of camp. She is currently pursuing a Master of Education and works in research education at UPenn. Jess enjoys fitness classes, running, hiking, and overnight oats.

Jessica Amon

Programming Lead | Doer of all the Things
Jess has been involved with camps at Camp Victory for over 14 years. She helps plan for camp behind-the-scenes, coordinates sponsorship and new development opportunities, and loves a good tie-dye session in the art room. Jess works as a Systems Analyst at Geisinger Health System and enjoys scuba diving, photography, and being active.

Nina Bastian

Programming Lead | DJ Crab Cake
Nina has been planning activities and entertainment for camps at Camp Victory since 2012. She lives in Colorado, working in health care policy and reform. She is passionate about cycling classes, kale, and the power of music. Now accepting song requests for camp!