February 21, 2017

Camp ENERGY Vaccination Policy

Camp ENERGY Vaccination Policy

The camp environment places children and adults in very close proximity for an extended period of time raising the risk for transmission of a number of communicable diseases. While to totality of this risk cannot be negated by any one practice, the adherence to recommended vaccination schedules has been shown to be effective in reducing the risk for a number of serious diseases. As such, Camp ENERGY has established the following policy to address the organization’s expectations for routine vaccination of campers to ensure the safety of all in attendance during camping periods.


  • It is the expectation that all campers and volunteers be properly vaccinated. Since the recommendations for vaccination are altered from time to time based on new scientific literature and the development of new vaccines, Camp ENERGY will adhere to the vaccination requirements set forth by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to determine appropriateness of an individual’s vaccine history.
  • All campers are expected to provide written proof of prior vaccinations during the enrollment process which is to occur prior to camp attendance. Acceptable proof of vaccination can include individual physician vaccination records or school records.
  • Campers and volunteers who are found to be deficient will be requested to complete the required vaccinations at least ten (10) days prior to the attendance of camp.
  • Campers and/or their parents may refuse to comply with the vaccination requirements based on medical reasons or for personal beliefs. While it would be the hope that these children could be vaccinated, Camp ENERGY will make every effort to accommodate these children at camp. In such instances the parent (or camper if 18 years old) will be required to sign an affidavit attesting that they are aware of their lack of proper vaccinations and accept the terms associated with improper immunization as listed below:
    1. Improperly immunized campers are at risk to become ill with vaccine preventable diseases while in contact with other children at camp. The legal guardian and camper understand this risk and agree to hold blameless to Camp ENERGY and their volunteers for any such illness incurred at camp as a result of attendance with improper vaccinations.
    2. Improperly immunized campers are at risk to spread vaccine preventable diseases to other children and staff at camp. The legal guardian and camper understand this and agree to be held responsible for any vaccine preventable illness transmitted to other campers and staff which can be identified as caused by their lack of proper vaccination.
    3. If an outbreak of a vaccine preventable disease occurs during camp, the camper and guardian accept that the improperly vaccinated child will have to be removed from camp and quarantined at home per CDC guidelines.
    4. If an epidemic of a vaccine preventable disease occurs in the community prior to the beginning of camp, all improperly vaccinated campers will be ineligible for attendance until the epidemic is resolved.
    5. Camp ENERGY reserves the right to refuse any camper or volunteer at their discretion based on the need to uphold the utmost safety standards for all campers and its staff members.